生活方面,琪兒說:「You should follow the peace of Christ within you.......The living cost there is more affordable than both coasts. It has beautiful scenery (10 thousand lakes!) and open space. The only thing that you need to adjust is the cold winter. 」
召會生活方面,兄長的勸勉是:「The church needs some new blood in gospel and shepherding after the turmoil. The winter is cold. MSW has burden to go there to have a gospel....... Hope with your family added to them, we can have a gospel forum this fall.」
從張弟兄問到了明尼蘇達召會的劉弟兄家電話。劉姊妹說:「We are very thankful that the Lord is sending two couples to Minnesota to strengthen our labor here.......Minnesota's winter can be very cold - 30-40- C below zero.」