

沒想到,來自明尼蘇達的 Kim正好是黃家哥哥 Rex 在「何嘉仁」的英文老師。Kim八月 8 日要回美省親三週, Rex 趁 Kim 上飛機前一天,用英文向她表達了捨不得好朋友去美國的心情呢! 

無猜的情誼讓 Kim 很感動,赴機場前給我寫了這封信!


One of the students at Hess named Rex came to talk to me this evening. 
He is really really sad about losing his best friend for a year.  He loves to play baseball with him.  I told him that they will have to keep in touch via e-mail, but I think he is still really quite sad.  Poor guy!  I felt bad.
I will have to be sure to get a picture of your family and me when I see you on 8/24.  Then, I can show it to Rex.  Maybe it will cheer him up a bit.
I will have to talk to him about Minnesota every week so he can learn about the place where his best friend is living for a year.
The airport shuttle will be here in a few hours to pick me up.  I am soooo excited to be flying home for a few weeks.
See you soon!
Kim :-)



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